Apartment complexes need more flexibility

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Jessie Reese

Lets face it; it’s become pretty hard to graduate college in four years.

According to US News’ college ranking, only 23 percent of students at Georgia Southern University graduate within four years. Students are now trying to wrap up their degrees over the summer terms or even during the following fall semester.

This is a non-issue unless you live off campus, as most upperclassmen do. Also according to US News’ college ranking, 72 percent of students at GSU live off campus.

Once the heat of the summer is in full force in Statesboro, and term B is not quite over, those students finishing their degrees in the summer become homeless just before the most stressful time in the semester: finals.

The actual date of move-out depends on the apartment complex, but usually the move-out day is around July 15. When are final exams? July 21-25. Students looking to leave GSU after the summer term will be homeless for about two weeks, if their finals last until that Friday.

Some apartment complexes offer different leases to accommodate students who may leave after the fall semester, but they do nothing for those who are leaving after B term.

The best way to combat this issue? Become besties with an underclassman. Think about it, they probably have a couch and air conditioning, and if you’re lucky they won’t mind housing you and all of the stuff from your old place for two weeks, right?

Another way some students have gotten around this is to stay in a hotel until their finals are finished. Using Expedia, the lowest amount that could cost you is $495 for July 15-25. The better hotels would charge you upwards of $1,100.

For those of us who aren’t that lucky or that rich, something has to change.

Apartment complexes do need some time to clean out the units before the next semester’s crowd swarms like gnats come August, but with the $365 plus that students pay every month, they could hire a few more workers and get the units clean and ready in the week that they have before Aug. 1 move-ins.

If they don’t see a way to add more staff members, maybe they should consider moving move-in day further into August. GSU doesn’t start classes until Aug. 18, so apartment complexes could begin moving tenants in that weekend, giving themselves a full three weeks after B term finals to finish up the cleaning and renovating process before move-in begins.

It wouldn’t take much for the apartment complexes to change their move-out/move-in dates to better accommodate students, who are usually their main tenants.

The ‘boro is too hot to be homeless and your professors and fellow classmates would appreciate it if you had access to a shower during the hell-hot weeks at the end of July.