Students will have the opportunity tonight to ask all the questions about world religions that they have not been able to in the past.
Hot Wings & Hot Topics will open up the dialogue about controversial religious topics for the audience at 6:30 p.m. in the Williams Center Multipurpose room by the Multicultural Student Center and University Wellness Center.
As students dive into controversial conversations, they will also have the opportunity to brave hot wings, ranch and barbeque wings and vegetables.
“It’s been going on for more than five years now and the positive reviews from students are what keeps us bringing it back” Christopher Pugh, assistant director of the Multicultural Student Center and event coordinator, said.
Questions on religious violence and persecution, same-sex marriage, abortion, the afterlife, sex outside of marriage, murder, creationism, evolution and more are all welcomed at this event and will be answered by a panel.
These five panelists will act as guides into understanding the unique faiths that they practice.
Two denominations of Christianity will also be represented.
Jerry Johnson, minister from Georgia Southern University Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM), will speak on the Baptist faith while James M. Woods, professor of history, will speak on Catholicism.
Nadia Dreid, former president of the GSU Muslim Student Association will lead the discussion on Islam.
“I am very excited to go for this event because I would like to know about other religions and their rules and how to behave myself in a manner that is respectful to all religions. I also want to understand why different religions do not like each other when we all are serving the same God,” Salam Sanou, sophomore geology major, said.
Rabbi Ruven Barken will be a representative for Judaism and Linda Adamson will share her knowledge of the Baha’i Faith.
“It’s not going to be a debate, it will be an exploratory conversation. It is not about who is right and who is wrong it’s about leaving with key knowledge and combating ignorance and intolerance while promoting inclusion, which is one of our goals,” Pugh said.
This is all being done in an effort to create understanding, appreciation and respect for diverse world religions.
“Understanding and learning about different religions has always been an interest of mine since I was a kid and it is the reason why I declared a religious studies minor. Going to a panel like this will allow me to be expand my own worldview and have a better appreciation for other people’s points of view. Also there are hot wings. What’s not to like?” Carmen Gray, sophomore English major, said.
The event will have Francys Johnson as a moderator to make sure that conversation continues to flow smoothly and respectably.
Hot Wings & Hot Topics is just one of the many events being put on for Wellness Week in an effort to promote spiritual health.
The event is free and proof of attendance will be provided