An unimportant degree

Kimeko McCoy

Degrees are important. I get that. They can get you jobs after you graduate and eventually help you earn your own income. There’s a variety too. Georgia Southern University offers public relation degrees, business degrees, nursing degrees and even graduate degrees.

However, GSU does not offer MRS. Degrees. This degree, by definition via Urban Dictionary, is to go from one’s parent’s home to the home of a spouse without achieving emotional or financial independence, or academic success.

So this leads me to conclude that some make it a priority to find their soul mate in college. In all honesty, I have yet to find myself, let alone a soul mate.

Given, everyone’s priorities vary depending on a lot of different things, but finding a soul mate probably shouldn’t be one of the top three. Well, maybe it shouldn’t be until the age that’s near the end of youth and beginning of menopause.

School includes too many trials and tribulations within itself to be worried about having to cook, clean and please other people.

First issue is having a husband now. You found your high school sweetheart to be your soul mate. There are a lot of souls that have yet to be met. Don’t limit yourself. College is all about experiencing new things and getting to know you in the process. This brings to mind a common school rhyme. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage.

I’ve heard many say, “I would rather get married and have kids young that way I can raise them and get it over with. Then, I can do what I want when I’m older.”

Let’s just analyze this. For starters, after you have children, you are enslaved for at least the next 18 years depending on how many you have. Not only are you physically responsible for this creature that resembles you, you also find yourself monetarily responsible. School, clothes, food, college, etc. can all estimate to well over $100,000 for a single child by the age of 18. Be sure to calculate that into your own expenses.

Physically, things start to fall apart after the age of 30. Backs ache, memory deteriorates, sight fades, heartburn sets in, and there’s the full on plague of old age.

Now, let’s say you’ve had your kids and you’re ready to live. Is that still viable? Is it when your knees are weak from arthritis and you’re in debt from your own student loans, as well as your kid’s?

There is an entire world that has yet to be explored that lies before you. There is an endless flow of opportunities that have yet to be discovered. You never know where they can take you. The possibilities are endless.

If nothing else comes of them, your bachelor’s degree can serve as a decoration but you can’t frame an MRS. Degree.