The University Programming Board has rented out two screens at Carmike Cinemas to allow 400 Georgia Southern University students to see a free midnight premier of “Iron Man 3” on May 2.
UPB began handing out free tickets for the “Iron Man 3”movie premier yesterday under the rotunda.
UPB has already handed out 200 tickets, and 100 more will be handed out today, Paige Rahn, vice president of public relations of UPB and junior public relations major, said.
Students can get tickets with their eagle IDs from 12-2 p.m. today on the grass outside the Russell Union and on UPB’s social media sites. There will be twitter giveaways for the rest of the tickets.
“We always do our weekly movies, but they’re in the union, and they’re movies that have been out for probably around a month. We really wanted to bring students a brand new premiere movie, and we thought what better to do than ‘Iron Man 3,’” Rahn said.
“At the beginning of every year we have our allotted budget through the students activities fees. This was something that did cost a bit more money, but we really thought the students would appreciate doing something like this, and it was a good use of student activity fees,” Rahn said.
Milton Dawkins, chairman of the UPB late-night committee, had the idea to rent out the movie theater and provide students with free tickets.
“He is a senior this semester, and he has been with UPB for all of his college career. This year, this semester actually, he finally got the chair position that he wanted. He has had these great ideas for a while. Now that he is actually in a position where he can fulfill those ideas, he really wanted to run with it,” Rahn said.
Michelle Feiguson, freshman business management major said, “I appreciate that they are doing this because the struggle is real for college students, and I’m glad my fees are going to something I actually enjoy.”
Alanna Navin contributed to this report.