By Emily Smith, Staff Writer
Allison Lyon
Assistant Director of Career Services
The Inkwell
What is your job? How do you help students?
I am currently the Assistant Director of Career Services over in the Memorial College Center. I assist students in a multitude of ways, with an overarching emphasis on professional and career development. This can include, but is not limited to, appointments to help select a major, craft a resume, find part-time and full-time employment, internship and graduate school search assistance and mock interviews.
What do you like about working at Armstrong?
My favorite part about working at Armstrong is the students. Our students are the best, and I am so fortunate to be able to help them achieve their goals.
Are students courteous to you?
Yes! I feel that the students I meet with, or encounter, share a mutual understanding – if you work hard and are respectful, I will work hard to help you. I feel that students are genuinely interested and are very respectful when in the office. When students leave, I can tell that they are departing with more knowledge than when they came in.
What do you get asked the most?
To be honest, I think the majority of the questions that we field with people coming into our office is, “Where do I start?” As I have said, career development is a process and a journey so it is not achieved just by one appointment and having a resume – it is so much more!
Favorite quote?
You will find this on the wall behind me in my office: “Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” -Dr. Seuss.