We hear it all the time. Aren’t you too old to celebrate Halloween? The answer is, and always will be, no. Halloween is the time of year where you get to take a break from work, put on your best costume, and have a great time with friends. If Halloween party planning has fell into your hands this year, have no fear. Here are three recipes that are sure to make your party a hit.
Orange Witches’ Brew

This slush punch recipe from Taste of Home is a refreshing mix of pineapple, lemon, and orange. It makes for a colorful drink that will brighten up any party. (Makes about 8 quarts)
[accordion title=”What you need” close=”0″]1 package (6 ounces) orange gelatin
1/2 to 1 cup sugar
2 cups boiling water
1 can (46 ounces) apricot nectar
1 can (46 ounces) pineapple juice
3/4 cup lemon juice
4 liters ginger ale, chilled[/accordion]
[accordion title=”How to Make it” close=”0″]In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin and sugar in water. Stir in the apricot nectar, pineapple juice and lemon juice.
Freeze in two 2-qt. freezer containers. Remove from the freezer 2-3 hours before serving.
Place contents of one container in a punch bowl; mash with potato masher. Stir in ginger ale just before serving. [/accordion]
Swamp Juice a la Slime

Wine glasses and garnishes make this drink from Taste of Home perfect for an adult Halloween party. The sweet drink is great for day and night parties alike. (Serves 10)
[accordion title=”What you need” close=”0″]1/2 cup light corn syrup
Green paste food coloring
5 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
2 cups white grape juice
2 drops yellow food coloring, optional
1 cup club soda, chilled
Fresh pineapple slices, optional..but suggested [/accordion]
[accordion title=”How to make it ” close=”0″]
Refrigerate 10 champagne flutes or cocktail glasses until chilled. In a small bowl, combine corn syrup and green food coloring; dip rims of chilled glasses into mixture.
Turn glasses upright, allowing mixture to slightly run down sides of glasses. Freeze until firm. In a pitcher, combine the pineapple juice, grape juice and yellow food coloring if desired. Refrigerate until chilled.
Just before serving, stir club soda into juice mixture. Pour juice into prepared glasses; garnish with pineapple if desired.[/accordion]
Cemetery Slime Punch

This drink recipe from HGTV is perfect mix of mystery and tasty. It’s great for a night of fun with friends…and also a perfect conversation starter! (Serves 12-15)
[accordion title=”What You Need:” close=”0″]2 liters diet root beer
24 gummy worms…but the more the better!
1 pint low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt
1 pint low-fat chocolate frozen yogurt
[accordion title=”How to Make it ” close=”0″]
Arrange the gummy worms in a 12-compartment ice tray, letting them hang out over the edges of the tray. Fill with root beer and freeze at least four hours or overnight.
With a small ice cream scoop, fill the bottom of a one-gallon punch bowl with scoops of both frozen yogurts, using the full container of each. Very slowly fill the punch bowl with root beer, which will foam up to create the “slime.”
Float the wormy ice cubes on top of the punch. Fill each punch cup with a scoop of ice cream and an ice cube. Float additional worms on top of the punch or in each glass.
BONUS Recipe: Mr. Hyde Potion

For those, and only those, that are 21 years old or older, we have a cocktail for you from HGTV. (Serves 4)
[accordion title=”What you need ” close=”0″]8 ounces vodka
4 ounces parfait amour liqueur
1 ounce blackberry liqueur
2 ounces tarragon simple syrup (recipe follows)
1 ounce fresh lemon juice
1 ounce lavender syrup, available at most liquor stores
4 lavender sprigs
8 blackberries
dry ice (optional) Note: Always observe dry ice safety measures: Never touch dry ice with bare skin and do not swallow.
purple sanding sugar for rim (optional)[/accordion]
[accordion title=”How to make it ” close=”0″]1. Prepare the tarragon simple syrup by placing 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water in a small saucepan.
2. Heat over medium-low heat until it reaches a low boil. Add two sprigs of fresh tarragon and reduce heat to low. Heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove tarragon and allow syrup to cool.
3. Place 2 blackberries on each lavender sprig and set aside. Tip: For best results, insert a toothpick through blackberry first to make a small hole for the lavender stem.
4. Cut and juice lemon. Strain to remove pulp, if desired. Add spirits, syrups and juice to a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake until very cold (about 20 seconds).
5. Pour drink into beakers, add a small piece of dry ice (optional) and a lavender-blackberry skewer. Note: Drink is safe to consume only after dry ice has completely dissolved.
Tip: Alternatively, moisten the rim of a cocktail glass and dip in purple sanding sugar. Add cocktail and small piece of dry ice. Lay lavender-blackberry skewer across the top of the glass and serve.[/accordion]
Now that you have three…or four, depending on your age, drink recipes, your party will be the talk of campus! T-minus five days until Halloween!