Finals Week is the time in a college student’s life where you have seriously reconsider your life choices. It’s so daunting we actually feel the need capitalize and title it due to its infamous reputation. All of the sudden you’re loaded down with the three P’s: projects, papers, and presentations – not to mention the more evil professors that assign one of those three AND a final exam on top. Is it really all worth it? You’re shaving years off your life with the lack of sleep, you know the stress is going to contribute to future heart problems, and there’s a genuine fear those bags under your eyes aren’t just jokingly designer but also actually permanent.
Finals suck. We can all agree, but there’s really no way around them. We don’t pay thousands of dollars a semester just to bitch then fail, so we have to make the most out of it. While our first reaction might to hibernate in Club Hendy with a coffee maker for the next week, check out these other places around campus and town to hunker down. Who knows – maybe the change in scenery will help you think.
Russell Union
Usually the hustle and bustle of campus, the Union is surprising chill during Finals Week. Maybe it’s the lack of students hunting for food between classes or organizations campaigning on the outskirts. Either way, there’s two computer labs, a plethora of tables, couches and other study nooks, plus a Starbucks, Chikfila and GusMart right there to refuel. Honestly unless you’re doing a research paper it might even be more efficient than the library. You be the judge.
Williams Center
The heart and soul of student media, we’re a little biased but here us out. Have you ever had to attend an event in the Multipurpose Room or paint a sheet sign in the art room? Then you’ve likely walked past the colorful, modernly decorated study area. Complete with cozy furniture, computers, whiteboards, and the Icebox to for meetings, it’s one of the lesser known treasures on campus.
IT Building
On the other side of campus, those of you in the business and science majors are probably a little more familiar with this venue. It’s bright, open space and big windows are definitely a change of pace from the closed corners and stuffy bookshelves of the library. The atmosphere is just different too. You can focus and get your work done or chill while you keep your roommate company as he crams for his last two finals even though yours are blessedly over.
Sweetheart Circle
The original heart and soul of campus, Sweetheart Circle is a haven on any gorgeous day when you just need break from class and a breath of fresh air – why should Finals Week be any different. Layout on a blanket with your study group and a round of iced coffee or bring an ENO for quick nap during study breaks. We’ve done extensive research and we’ve found the best cure for stress is sunshine.
Three Tree Coffee Roasters
Statesboro may not host the extensive choices of restaurants, malls, or just general things to do that bigger cities like Atlanta or Savannah may have, but we have a few of our own hometown secrets and Three Trees Coffee Roasters is one of them. Whether you like the open main floor, the airy outside patio, or the cozy Treehouse, there’s really an option for any study preference.
The Daily Grind
Another hometown secret, this coffee shop is popular hotspot for students trying to break their Starbucks routine but still find their caffeine fix. Also offering a selection of snacks and sandwiches, you can grab a bite to eat or just a cup of coffee while you bury yourself in that research paper.
Your own living room
Whether you live on or off-campus, sometimes your room can seem cramped and the trek anywhere else is just too much to deal with at the moment. Grab your roommates, spread out on the coffee table, and settle in on that 6-page research paper. There’s power in numbers. Not to mention, the fuel and snacks are free. No place like home, right?