While my spring break had a bit of a boring start, my roommate was nice enough to invite me to go with her to Orlando, Florida on Tuesday. Of course I said yes, and we made plans to drive down, stay in a condo in Kissimmee, Florida, and go to Universal Orlando Resort. I had never been to Universal because Disney World is near and dear to my heart, and I would feel as if I was cheating on Mickey himself if I stepped foot in this new territory so close to the “Happiest Place on Earth.” However, we decided that to avoid hoards of young children, we would venture to Universal instead of my beloved Disney World while in Orlando.

Universal Studios

Soon after lunch we had to discover all that the Harry Potter attraction had to offer. As an avid reader, I am ashamed to admit that after learning a very big spoiler in the series, I refused to read any more books. I still can appreciate the fandom though. Overall, it was a really fun day, and I got a churro. Here are some pictures:
Islands of Adventure

I was excited for Islands of Adventure because it has some cooler rides and other things to offer, and it was a lot of fun exploring all there was to offer. I will be honest and admit that I liked the Dr. Seuss memorabilia more than I care to admit. We also went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter here as well, and it was really cool to see a work of fiction come to life in front of my eyes. As I was standing in line at one of the rides, I decided to take the quiz to see what house I would be sorted into. (If you create a Pottermore account, you can too!) I was surprised to learn I am a Hufflepuff. Here are some pictures from Islands of Adventure:

All in all, I had a wonderful spring break. Universal was a lot of fun, but I don’t think that it has replaced Disney World. Disney just sparks a sense of magic that I did not feel at Universal, and it seems to have more attractions and other things that I enjoy more so than Universal. However, I am so glad that I went, and I did have a lot of fun experiencing all that Universal had to offer!