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Omega Phi Alpha is all about service and friendships these days. This sorority is supporting Friends of Hope, which is an organization where women and children make friendship bracelets. OPA receives the bracelets and is selling them for one dollar.
“Omega Phi Alpha is a service sorority and we work to support the university community, our community at large here in Statesboro, the nations of the world which is apart of our Friends of Hope,” Stephanie G., member of Omega Phi Alpha, said.
The bracelets are various colors and have many color combinations. Some of the color combinations include: purple and yellow, red, green and white, teal, burgundy and white, multi-colored and many more. You can give the bracelets to your best friends, favorite teachers or just buy one for yourself. Omega Phi Alpha will be selling the friendship bracelets all week at the rotunda from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
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