Georgia Southern received another commit for the class of 2020 Wednesday in Pennsylvania native Sean Pelkisson.
The 6-foot-2 defensive end announced his decision via Twitter on Monday in a video.
“I want to start by saying that being recruited to play football in college is one of the most amazing experiences of my life,” he wrote. “I was told to stop looking when I found the right school for me. With that being said, I’m so excited to share that I will be continuing my academic and athletic career at my new home…Georgia Southern.”
His junior year at Downington West High School in Downington, Pennsylvania, he was the All-Area Defensive Player of the Year, made Second-Team Defense, while accumulating 100 tackles, 61 solo tackles and maintaining a 3.76 GPA.
Now going into his senior year of high school, Pelkisson committed to GS over Air Force, Army and Cornell among others.
“I’m just really looking forward to being a part of the GS brotherhood, learning and growing as a player, being challenged and working with this awesome team and skilled coaches,” he said of choosing GS. “Coach Lunsford spoke a ton about the GS man and the culture he instills in his team and I want to be a part of it!”
Pelkisson will be over 12 hours away from home, but he feels solid in his decision to be a 2020 Eagle. With nearby family just a short drive away in Atlanta, he will still have a strong support system.
“I loved the vibe as soon as I arrived. It felt like home and like I belonged there,” he said of Statesboro. “Everyone was so welcoming and supportive from the minute my aunt and I got there. I’ve been playing football since I was five years old and so I love the team aspect, being challenged and hitting people.”
Pelkisson will play TE for the Eagles when he makes his debut in Paulson Stadium for the 2020 season.
Amanda Arnold, The George-Anne Sports Editor,