The Georgia Southern University Theatre program was nominated for 11 Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival awards in Region IV for the play, “The Master and Margarita.”
“The Master and Margarita” is a play based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Bulgakov, a Russian playwright. The story was published years after Bulgakov’s death, as it critiqued The Soviet Union and communism.
Delaney Chesnick and Cat Wyatt were nominated for the Irene Ryan Award. The award is a scholarship given to talented student performers who want to pursue further education, according to the Kennedy Center’s website.
“Last year I competed for the scholarship, but as a partner for someone who was nominated, so I’m really excited to go this year and be the one nominated and shoot my shot,” Chesnick said.
According to the KCACTF website, the Allied Design and Technologies Award goes to students who exhibit good technical direction, makeup design, sound engineering, costume technology, scenic painting, properties, masks, wigs/hair, special effects and/or other Allied Arts. Winners are also invited to showcase their work at a national conference.
Rachel Hartmann is the GS nominee for the Allied Design and Technologies Award.
“Working on “The Master and Margarita” was one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of the Georgia Southern theatre career,” Hartmann said. “I got the chance to work with incredible people and build things that I would never have dreamed of. Being nominated for KCACTF is only an affirmation of the work I have put into this show.”
Francesca Foster, the stage manager for “The Master and Margarita,” is the GS nominee for the Stage Management Award.
“I was extremely honored to be nominated for my work as the Stage Manager for “The Master and Margarita,” Foster said. “This show was definitely challenging and complex, so it feels extremely rewarding that the respondents were able to recognize my work from watching our performance.”
The full list of GS nominees and their nominations are as follows:
Irene Ryan Award: Cat Wyatt and Delaney ChesnickSound Design: Chris WilsonLighting Design: Spencer CollinsScenic Design: Ryan BeverlyAllied Design and Technologies: Rachel HartmannDramaturgy: Grace HenleyStage Management: Francesca FosterStudent Choreographer: Jordan SteveFaculty Director: Nicholas NewellFaculty Costume Design: Sarah McCarroll
Elizabeth Gross, The George-Anne News Reporter,