A Georgia Southern University student was arrested for possession of a firearm in a school safety zone on Tuesday at the Recreational Activity Center following an argument at a flag football game.
Quantavius Clover, 19, was found in the RAC parking lot with a loaded Smith & Wesson .38 special revolver and a box containing three bullets in a backpack, according to the police incident report.
The incident report states that Clover was too young to be eligible for a conceal carry permit. Clover was in further violation of the campus carry policy due to possessing a firearm at an area designated for the use of athletics.
Clover was handcuffed and detained after claiming ownership of the weapon and was placed under arrest after the reporting officer spoke to witnesses, according to the incident report.
The reporting officer discovered Clover’s gun after responding to a report at the area of the intramural fields for threat of a firearm at approximately 7:30 p.m., according to the incident report. Another officer was on the scene, and informed the reporting officer there was “a large group trying to fight.”
When the reporting officer arrived, he saw Clover and the group around a black car and heard yelling, according to the police report. Another GS student on the scene told the reporting officer everyone was playing a game of flag football until an argument broke out between the two teams.
The student said he was a player on one of the teams, and heard from other players that someone was talking about a gun. He also said he saw a player retrieve a backpack, and shortly after, both teams exited the field arguing and heading to the black car on scene.
The reporting officer asked the student to identify the player with the backpack, and the student pointed to Clover, according to the incident report.
“Upon my approach to make contact with [Clover], I noted he was leaving the scene heading in the direction of the pond in the parking lot,” the reporting officer wrote in the incident report. “I quickly noticed the male only had on one Gucci sandal and was no longer wearing the black backpack.”
According to the incident report, when Clover was questioned about the missing backpack, someone else brought a camouflage backpack, and Clover said that was his backpack.
The reporting officer saw the black backpack on top of the vehicle and asked Clover about it. Clover said that backpack was not his. Then, another person entered the driver’s side of the vehicle and exited while grabbing the backpack and then throwing it inside. When asked about it, the person said multiple times that it didn’t belong to them.
“When I asked why he would put a bag into his car that wasn’t his, he insisted it wasn’t his,” the reporting officer wrote in the incident report. “I asked the subject if I could search the backpack in an attempt to locate a firearm since it was in his possession and did not ‘belong’ to anyone, and he stated ‘Yes.'”
This was when the reporting officer found the gun and bullets, according to the incident report. Clover’s driver’s license, Eagle ID, other various identification and his other Gucci sandal was also found in the backpack.
After the arrest, Clover was taken to the GS Police Department for further processing, according to the incident report.
According to the incident report, Clover said that during the flag football game, a male teammate of his and a “swole” male got into an argument. The “swole” male called Clover’s teammate a “bitch.” Clover said that this is when his teammate invited the “swole” male to fight off-field.
“Clover stated he went over and picked up his backpack on the field, and the [swole] male stated, ‘What are you going to kill us?'” the reporting officer wrote in the incident report. “‘You going to shoot us?'”
According to the incident report, Clover said he never threatened anyone with the gun, and that he just wanted to talk things over.
“Clover stated that when a black male goes to his backpack, people automatically assume they are going after a gun, and he does not know why the male thought that,” the reporting officer wrote in the incident report.
While Clover is a black male, according to the incident report, the “swole” male that Clover was referring to is also black.
Clover’s charge of possession of a firearm in a school safety zone is classified as a felony.
Elizabeth Gross, The George-Anne News Reporter, ganewsed@georgiasouthern.edu