Tyra Smith pitched the idea to SGA to implement more recycling and compost bins around campus.
A Georgia Southern University student pitched an idea to place more compost and recycling bins on campus during the gallery concerns portion of the last Student Government Association meeting.
Tyra Smith, a senior sports management major with a minor in business, thought of the idea one day when she was scrolling on Twitter.
“What made me think about this idea was just scrolling on Twitter, and I saw videos about climate change and how the earth will be affected in coming years by pollution and landfills, and I just thought that something could be done to help,” Smith said.
Smith thought of a plan as to where to place the new compost and recycling bins.
“I think the compost bins should be placed at [Dining Commons] and Lakeside first where the biggest amount of food gets wasted, and then the other places you can eat on campus, then move to on-campus housing and buildings, and then eventually could move to off-campus,” Smith said.
The SGA responded positively to Smith’s request and got her involved in an email correspondence with the sustainability director on campus.
“I think SGA and the sustainability committee will try to follow through with it,” Smith said.
Smith said that she believes that her cause is a worthwhile endeavor.
Smith said, “I just believe my cause is worthy because the planet is in trouble, and even though it’s money hungry companies that have destroyed the planet mostly, we as individuals can still try to do our part to help with pollution, and food waste. And in America, we have a problem with food wastage, and I feel like we could change that culture and use what we don’t eat.”
Elizabeth Gross, The George-Anne News Reporter, ganewsed@georgiasouthern.edu