Llana Samuel, News Editor

After colonizing at Armstrong in September 2013, the Georgia Rho chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon finally received their charter last week, making them officially part of the national fraternity of the same name.
Chapter President Marshall Bailey was one of 34 founding fathers whose names were inscribed on the charter at the installation banquet.
“The process for chartering was a life changing experience,” he said. “Some of the biggest setbacks for Georgia Rho included us being one of the smaller groups on campus, but over time we grew and proved our worth.”

Newly initiated members, their dates and visitors from the national organization celebrated the fraternity’s accomplishment at a banquet where each brother signed their names on the charter.
Armstrong’s Greek Community has grown to include Phi Mu, Omega Psi Phi and Lambda Theta Phi in the past two years and is set to continue to grow.

Greek cluster housing is now available for students who are a part of a National Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council greek organization and several other promotional events aimed at unifying Greek organizations have increased visibility of Greek-affiliated students at Armstrong.
The Georgia Rho chapter, also now officially known as the Phi Alpha chapter, is hopeful about the future both locally and nationally.
“Our hopes for the next five years are for our chapter to be in the running for awards from our national organization and be the best in the realm,” Bailey said.