By Rebecca Munday, Editor
The annual Last Laugh Improv show put on by Trey Anderson and the Armstrong theatre department came back with a bang Friday, Oct. 16 at 7:30 P.M., when more than two dozen people showed up to the International Gardens on campus to watch.
If more people had attended, they were going to have to start turning them away because of the limited capacity rules.
For the next hour, the department performed three scenes set on Tybee Island. There were also two games that were played in between. During the show, someone in the crowd or in the cast was almost always laughing.
Two groups of four actors each started the show with their first segment of a scene on Tybee Beach. The first group performed a scene that started with surfing lessons and ended with someone losing a leg to a shark.
The second group started their scene with a girl who just wanted to party, a couple on a date, and a convict, who was trying to mop the sand because he was “just trying to clean this dirty beach.”
In the second set of segments, the first group went to the hospital and the second group went to the basement of the guy on the date that the convict had been living in.
By the third segment, the actors all ended up in the same place, a sketchy children’s orphanage where the children learned to pole dance.
The show ended with a music number that had “Uncle John,” the owner of the orphanage singing, “Welcome to the orphanage where my babies sing and dance!”
In between the scene segments, the actors played two games. In the first one, audience members yelled out professions such as stripper, teacher, therapist, flight attendant, crime scene clean-up, and dentist for the actors to portray the worst version of the professions.
One of the actors played a dentist who didn’t like spit. Another actor played a stripper who didn’t want to get on a pole. One of the actors played someone throwing the dead body in the dumpster. Another actor played a therapist who blamed the patient for everything.
One actor played a kindergarten teacher who forgot the alphabet, had to look in his notes, and the notes were on colors, not letters. Therefore, one of the students learned the first three letters of the alphabet this way, “America. Seven. That’s the third letter, juice.”
One of the flight attendants forgot where the exits were. Another flight attendant forgot what the manual said about plane crashes. “I don’t know; it’s my first day…Just die!”
The next game was “What are you doing?” An actor would start miming an action. One of the other actors would ask them what they were doing. They would say something other than what they were doing and the new actor would have to start doing that action. These actions could be anything from tree trimming to throwing up.
An actor, who was selling poor quality t-shirts told his successor, “I’m abandoning my children. What does it look like I’m doing?”
The next actor explained to his imaginary children that he was leaving their mother and abandoning them. When the actor after him came up to him, he said, “I’m cheating on my mom.” And so it went on.