Two Greek Row fraternities may face years of university suspension following investigations of hazing.
The Office of Student Conduct conducted investigations on fraternities Kappa Sigma and Delta Tau Delta after evidence of hazing practices at the two fraternities surfaced.
Kappa Sigma
Two Kappa Sigma members reported physical abuse at an initiation event in April 2017, according to records acquired from Georgia Southern University.
One member said he received a concussion after being punched several times by several members and was eventually unconscious. The other member reported being slammed into the ground at the same event.
During the initiation event, other members of the fraternity, who were not supposed to have access to the event, physically assaulted the two pledges. According to records this was done in front of multiple chapter members.
According to records, Alumni Advisor Brian Dart was notified of the incident but did not report it to University officials.
In addition, the fraternity is being charged for members sending threatening messages to the member who reported the April 2017 incident, according to records.
The Office of Student Conduct recommends Kappa Sigma be suspended from the GS campus for five consecutive years.
Delta Tau Delta
Three videos provided by a concerned individual contained footage of fraternity applicants being told to lie face first in the mud, drink a yellow/green chunky substance and do “wall sits” with a weight over head, according to records.
Wall sits usually refers to an exercise where a person presses their backs to a wall and holds themselves up while bending their knees out at a 90 degree angle.
According to an investigative report by Student Conduct Coordinator William Mast, GS students and new members of Delta Tau Delta were identified in the videos. However, when interviewed new members denied the events that occurred in the videos.
The Office of Student Conduct recommends Delta Tau Delta be suspended from the GS campus for six consecutive years.
Going forward
Kappa Sigma and Delta Tau Delta have the option to accept the recommendation and their cases would be resolved and their sanctions would go into effect.
The two fraternities can choose not to accept the recommendations and can move forward with a formal hearing. Once the formal hearing is complete the sanctions are reviewed by the decision approver.
It is currently unclear which course of actions either of the two fraternities have taken. This article will be updated as more information becomes available.
During a period of Organizational Suspension, Kappa Sigma and Delta Tau Delta may continue to occupy or hold property, but may not seek or add members, hold or sponsor events or attend any events that are social in nature according to page 57 in the GS Student Code of Conduct.
“The National level of the organization may choose to impose sanctions parallel to the University which may cause Greek organizations to lose their housing facility,” Director of Communications Jennifer Wise said via email.
Within documents acquired from GS is a letter from Kappa Sigma International Headquarters asking the Statesboro chapter to show cause as to why the chapter should remain chartered.
The national headquarters for both Kappa Sigma and Delta Tau Delta were called for comment on the recent investigation but have not replied.
Further details on the Kappa Sigma or Delta Tau Delta investigations can be found by clicking either of the fraternities’ names.
Matthew Enfinger, The George-Anne Editor-in-Chief,