Credit: NIAID
The Georgia Department of Public Health made the vaccine available to three new groups of people for phase 1A+ starting yesterday, and Georgia Southern will run their third vaccine drive-thru tomorrow at Paulson Stadium to include the addition.
After the update, pre-K and K-12 educators and school staff, parents of children with complex medical conditions and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their caregivers can now receive the Moderna vaccine from GS free of charge.
This addition gives room for even more students to be included in the vaccine distribution since this now includes student teachers and health profession students. Educators in higher education, however, have been excluded from receiving the vaccine during the current phase.
The Moderna vaccine is still only approved for individuals 18 and older.
Anyone eligible can make an appointment through myGS.
Current populations eligible:
Healthcare workers
Adults who are 65+
Staff of long-term care facilities
Law enforcement, firefighters and any first responders
Educators or staff in pre-k and K-12
Adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities
Adults of children with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis or sickle cell disease.