By Morgan Copeland
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Despite all of the seasons bringing different types of joy, fall always seems to lighten the mood of everyone and give us the holiday feels. Perhaps it is because it marks the end of the sporadic heat waves that plague summer, or because it brings us one day closer to pumpkin spice lattes. The leaves change to beautiful hues of vibrant reds and golden yellows, evenings become a little cooler and life gets a tad bit sweeter. For me, fall means new beginnings, a chance to refresh and end the year better than I started it, along with indulging in all the festivities that are available during this time of year.
Here are a few ways to enjoy this upcoming fall season with friends and family, or just yourself.
Go to your local apple farm.
Many people aren’t aware, but in most states, there are local farms you can visit to pick fresh fruit! During the fall season, crisp apples are in abundance, along with fresh apple cider to sip while you walk down the rows of apple trees. This is perfect for a calm day out with your friends, or a romantic date followed by a picnic beneath the stars.
Recently my friend Luna went to an apple farm in Asheville, North Carolina and could not stop gushing over how much fun she had with her family. The beautiful scenery, the yummy apples and the warm company really made it a memorable day for her.
Get a pumpkin flavored treat.
Rather you get your hands on a delicious pumpkin spice latte from your neighborhood coffee house, or indulge in a pumpkin flavored treat, the distinctive taste of pumpkin truly puts you in a more festive mood. Paired with the warm spices of the season, such as cinnamon and nutmeg it allows for a delightful interlude from regular coffee. Since these drinks and treats are usually only available during the fall, it makes enjoying them more special, and meaningful when you devour them with those you care the most about.
Since the pumpkin drink and treat craze is so popular, there are countless ways to get your fix will fall rolls around.
Have a bonfire.
Since the weather begins to cool down during the fall months, hosting a bonfire is an easy way to stay warm and have fun with friends while being outside breathing in the fresh, night air. Imagine, a slightly brisk evening, wrapped in cozy, wool blankets with a mug of hot cocoa in your hands, and the beauty of the night sky gazing down on you and your friends. You could even make it a small gathering and have live music, dancing, and s’mores!
Go to the mountains.
If you are lucky enough to live near the mountains, you know how amazing it is to witness the leaves change as the season does, it is almost magical. Traveling to the mountains could become an adventurous road trip if you choose to make it one by making stops along the way in the towns you pass through. Once you arrive, you will be in awe at how much peace it brings you to simply exist in nature and take in all of its beauty. You could also rent a cabin in the mountains and make it a weekend trip. Most mountain towns have so many other interesting activities you can do as well, like tubing down a river, mining for gold and other gems, and immersing yourself in a different way of life.
Attend a fall festival.
Celebrate the change in weather by attending a fall festival! Along with Halloween drawing near, this time of year is ripe for vibrant festivals that cater to all ages and offer a wide variety of things to do, foods to try, music to listen to, and memories to be made. A quick Google search can uncover tons of festivals taking place in your area, and the most of them are free to the public, which is always great.
If you have the desire to become closer with nature, immerse yourself in the thrill of huge festivals, or the gnawing urge to fill your belly with bursts of pumpkin flavor, then fall has a lot to offer you. You can never go wrong with allowing yourself to be more present and thankful for all that life has given you and is going to give you in the future. Sitting on your front porch, with a toasty cup of apple spiced cider, covered in the cool fall breeze is one of the best ways to do it.
Morgan Copeland is a fourth year political science, international studies double major with a passion for people, writing and learning to love more. After graduation, she will be attending graduate school to her earn MPH/JD dual degree. Aside from wanting to combat injustice in our country, Morgan also deeply enjoys reading during her free time. She hopes, one day, to write meaningful children’s books.