Georgia Southern officials reported a 143% increase in positive COVID-19 cases since last week’s report, reporting 73 cases the Monday before classes.
Case numbers haven’t topped 70 since February 1, almost a month before GS first started administering the vaccine.
“As we prepare for the first day of Fall 2021 classes this week, the report below indicates 16 confirmed and 57 self-reported cases last week,” said a disclaimer on GS’ website. “Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to take advantage of our on-going on-campus opportunities to get a COVID-19 vaccination.”
16 cases were reported from employees. 60 cases were reported on Statesboro’s campus, 13 on Armstrong’s campus and zero on Liberty’s campus.
COVID-19 Analysis
Total positive cases: 73
University confirmed: 16
Self reported:57
Students: 57
Employees: 16
Statesboro campus: 60
Armstrong campus: 13
Liberty campus: zero