Credit: NIAID
Georgia Southern is working towards making the newly-FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine available on campus.
We are taking steps now to allow us to obtain and administer the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on campus,” wrote Jennifer Wise, Director of Communications. “When we are ready to begin providing the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, we will communicate that to the campus community.”
Until then, the Pfizer vaccine can be found through local providers using the Vaccine Finder.
GS is still offering both Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines. Moderna is still in the process of FDA approval, having started a little late to the game, but just because we’ll wait a little longer for Moderna’s approval doesn’t make it any less safe, Dr. Fauci told PBS.
Vaccine appointments are still available through GS. To schedule an appointment find “COVID-19 Information & Resources” on your MyGS page.