Georgia Southern now offers $1 parking permits where drivers can pay for parking by the hour.
AMP Park spaces are located in Lot 21, by Russell Union, and on Sweetheart Circle. The first half hour will be free of charge.
An hour in a space will cost $1, with a max of $4 in one day, meaning that those renting a space can keep it for at most four and a half hours per day. The fourth and each subsequent pass will cost $2 per day.
Those visiting campus without a parking permit will be allowed to take parking spaces designated as “University Parking Only”. These spaces are not intended to be used by faculty, staff or students Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to GS’ official website.
Vehicles must be registered through the AMP Parking. Signs with QR codes can be scanned at spaces, but you can also register your vehicle even when you are away from your space.