On February 24th the two organizations that go by the names of Her Campus and MOVE (Men Of Vision and Excellence) hosted an interactive panel called, “Him Vs. Her”. This panel was composed of five men and five women discussing how women vs. men view different topics.

The event began at 7:00 p.m. with the room being filled with college students excited to be a part of the discussion. The opening question was,“ Would you break up with a significant other if your mother doesn’t like them.” The women spoke first about their opinion on the topic and then the men spoke as well, keeping a positive energy in the room. The panelist then handed the mic over to crowd listening respectively and taking the crowds and other sides words in consideration. This behavior was carried out throughout the entire conversation both parties remained respectful to each other.
Overall the event was a success and multiple people from the crowd took turns speaking, sometimes even challenging the panelist’s opinions. Her campus is an organization on Georgia Southern Campus for more information you can find them on Instagram @hercampusgs and you can find the MOVE organization on Instagram as well @gsu_move.