Georgia Southern students want to know what the Trevor Project is as soon as possible on campus so they can spread the word out and help a fellow community in need.

After interviewing several students around campus, statistics show that around 78% of students at Georgia Southern have no clue what the Trevor Project is. In that same regard, a quarter of the 78% doesn’t care to know what the project entails.
What Is The Trevor Project?
The Trevor Project is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1998. It offers a 24/7 hotline that revolves around suicide prevention efforts in the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth) community.
Why is it called the Trevor Project?
According to TrevorProject.org, it is called the Trevor project based off of an academy award film made in 1994 tilted, Trevor, about “a gay thirteen-year-old boy who, when rejected by friends because of his sexuality, makes an attempt to take his life”.
Additionally, 70% of students polled know someone who is both depressed and a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Why do students think so?
After asking students about oppression against the LGBTQ+ community freshman, Kerstan Maccook explained, “I think depression runs more in this (LGBTQ+) community because people don’t understand that sexual orientation and gender identity is not a choice”. Also other students explained that “they get more hate” or “they are treated more unfairly”.
On the other hand, students like freshman, Gracie Clenderin, say her perspective, “I think depression can be caused by bullying and hate speech but I don’t necessarily think depression runs more in LGBTQ+. Depression is caused by many different reasons in many different types of people”. Other responses showed, “no, they get more support” or “they get hate equally as heterosexuals”.

How is the Trevor Project instituted at Georgia Southern?
Currently, the Trevor Project isn’t directly instituted at Georgia Southern, but it is indirectly included through the Counseling Center.
The Counseling Center provides Counselors for students who are specifically trained in the support and aid of students that identify in the LGBTQ+ community.
Most students think there should be more discussion about the Trevor Project around campus due to the rise of more and more people identifying as a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Individuals suggested clubs or organizations begin to include and incorporate supporting the Trevor Project as a part of their fundraising activities around campus.
For more information visit: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/explore/