After the Greek Row Assault and the shooting at 111 South, Georgia Southern students speak out about their safety.
Catch up:
Sigma Nu fraternity member William Kroymann was charged with aggravated battery for the incident that took place between 1:00-1:30 a.m. on Friday February 13th.
The student that was shot multiple times was carried to Memorial Hospital in Savannah for treatment.
Students speak up:
“I personally feel safe, but the crime doesn’t go unnoticed. I think if you are responsible and not what not to do, you’ll be fine. I would still send my kids here,” said Britton Williams.
“UPD has saved my life multiple times and I trust them with my life and safety,” said Christa Moore.
“Yes, you do feel safe, Watson Hall is like a fortress where you can’t get in or out,” Aireaonia Simoms.
“I feel like our campus is one of the safer ones in Georgia,” said Marlana Griner. “Because I live on campus, I don’t feel threatened from off campus threats.”
“I feel safe sometimes, but like I would never go out at night by myself,” said Abby Miller.
“I don’t necessarily feel any more or less safe living here,” said Zion Favors. “I was taught to keep my eyes open when navigating different situations regardless of how safe I think I am because things can change and quickly. Stay attentive and understand that tomorrow is not promised to anyone.”
“I would say generally on campus I do feel safe but at my place, no I don’t feel safe,” said Courtney R. “We got cameras for our place, but that isn’t going to prevent anything. With all the break ins happening here and creepy old men walking around at night, it doesn’t let me feel safe. Being a woman, I’ve always felt scared at night, but recently I’ve felt even more unsafe.”
“Personally, I don’t think the school and the city do enough or even the right things to ensure the safety for its students and community members,” said Samara Saul. “I’ve lived in Statesboro since 2018 and I can honestly say I’ve noticed a heavier police presence than they’re used to be. That being said, the crime rate has not changed much if anything it seems it’s gotten worse. Do I feel safe in Statesboro? Yes, I do but that’s because of my confidence in my ability to defend myself if ever necessary”.