STATESBORO — Statesboro Mayor Jonathan McCollar gave an official update on Thursday about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on Statesboro and Bulloch County.
Due to Statesboro’s position as a regional hot spot, McCollar calls for Statesboro residents to remain vigilant in light of the 100% increase of cases in the last two weeks in Bulloch County, from 108 cases on June 15 to 219 cases by Wednesday, June 24.
Wednesday also saw the largest single day case increase seen to date with 36 newly confirmed cases, which mirrors the increase in cases in surrounding counties.
“I applaud those businesses, for making that very tough decision to put our community’s health over their profits,” McCollar said of the local businesses who have chosen to close due to potential or confirmed COVID-19 cases. Included in these closures is the Statesboro city hall, which released a statement Saturday after an employee tested positive for COVID-19.
In order to assist in maintaining our local businesses, McCollar urges us to shop locally by checking if businesses have drive through, curb-side or pickup options. This allows local businesses to remain open not just for ourselves but for those who come to our city from the surrounding areas.
“This is a journey that we cannot do alone,” McCollar said in a call to action at the end of his speech. “This is an all of us journey. A journey we will only be able to successfully navigate if we work together. Wearing a face mask is not a political statement. COVID-19 could care less about your political affiliation, your views on the world[…]. Be a good neighbor, wear your mask. Protect not just yourself, but care enough about your greater community to wear a mask whenever you are out and about.”
McCollar asks us to assist in slowing the spread of COVID-19 by following the guidelines set up by the Centers for Disease Control and the Georgia Department of Health. If you suspect you are sick, he advised, do not show up unannounced at our doctor’s office, the emergency room, or health department. Instead, call your healthcare provider or the Bulloch County Health Department.
Updates specific to Statesboro can be found on the city’s website, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube pages.
Bulloch County Health Department: (855)-473-4374
Centers for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/
Georgia Department of Public Health: https://dph.georgia.gov/
City of Statesboro: https://www.statesboroga.gov/
Fernanda Camacho Hauser, Contributor, gaeditor@georgiasouthern.edu