As an influx of enthusiastic first year students arrives on campus, many are unaware that sexual assault happens the most during the “red zone.”
According to numerous studies, including one conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, the red zone is the time period from when classes first begin leading all the way up to Thanksgiving break.
The Marketing Division of Student Media at Georgia Southern University is taking great strides to bring awareness to the phenomenon and alcohol awareness by having an event called “The Red Zone” for the very first time.
Haley Clark, public relations and marketing manager, has been directly involved with planning the event.
“The main goal is to bring awareness to this and make sure students are aware of this being a potential when they step on campus,” Clark said. “Hopefully we can get this message to them and have it stick before they get out that first weekend.”
The event will be on Wednesday, August 17 from 5-8 p.m. outside, in the area between the Russell Union and the University Store. Various departments on campus such as Campus Security, AOD (Alcohol and Other Drugs), University Wellness, the Counseling Center and the Statesboro Sexual Assault Center, are partnering with the event to make sure students know about the services which are open to them.
“We’re bringing awareness to the fact that alcohol can be a problem if you’re not safe and sexual assault can be a problem if you re not cautious,” Clark said.
Health Services and the Counseling Center are two places one can go to remain confidential if reporting a sexual assault incident.
Jodi Caldwell, director of the Counseling Center, says that the biggest key is for everyone to talk about sexual assault issues and to be more aware.
“It’s important to be able to increase the safety of ourselves and our friends,” Caldwell said. “The biggest key is also knowing the signs that our friends may be in danger.”
“Bystander Intervention” is an important concept to understand as college students. Bystander Intervention is an approach needed to not only protect ourselves, but other people as well.
“It’s about being aware of your surroundings, the ability to intervene if someone else is in danger, and making the commitment to do that for other people.” Caldwell said.
The number of sexual assaults reported to the counseling center has remained stable over the last year. Counselors will be present at the event to let students know about the Counseling Center’s free services, like on-call counselors 24/7 and services available to those who have been sexually assaulted.
There will be activities, music, goodie bags and valuable information to take away from the event.
For more information about resources pertaining to sexual assault, visit