Retaking Our Story: Reframing the Sexual Assault Conversation, hosted by Tim Mousseau, will be coming to the Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, March 29 at 7 p.m.
Drawing upon his own experiences and interactions he has had with support groups, Mousseau aims to make sure people are able to recognize the three types of impacts of sexual assault, define the various terms and actions involved with sexual assault, empower an understanding campus culture focused on reducing sexual assault and more.
“He gives the perspective of male sexual assault. We want Sexual Assault programs to be for all people and usually the conversation is centered around females,” Michele Martin, University Wellness Program Director, said.
Some students around campus felt as if this event could really educate not only students, but everyone that may be a victim or knows a victim of sexual assault in some way.
“I feel that the event will benefit students, by making them more aware of what’s going on and what can we do to make students feel more safe,” Johnna Johnson, freshman accounting major, said.
Johnson feels that even if you aren’t personally a victim of sexual assault, you should still go to the event. Some students agree with Johnson as well.
“It’ll most likely help students in the long run because many students are unaware of how to protect themselves in that situation and that they have rights. There are also many other resources on campus that will help students as well,” Brandon Robinson, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said.
Though there won’t be any other sexual assault speakers coming to campus soon, Martin hopes that attendees will take away a lot from hearing Mousseau.
Martin said, “I hope attendees will feel more comfortable reporting a sexual assault as well as feeling more comfortable helping their peers.”
Photo courtesy of twitter.com/TimMousseau.