From classic movies and sitcoms with kids trampling out of their school’s double doors yelling “spring break is here” to the reality of college students hitting the road not one second later after placing their last final exam of the semester on the professor’s desk, it’s considered a norm for students of all types to want to go home after a long period at school.
However, not everyone has a knack for leaving campus and going home right away. While some students may choose not to go home so soon for various reasons, others may stay a bit longer just to enjoy a nice, quiet campus atmosphere.
With the exception of students who may live far from home such as across the country or even across the world, Georgia Southern University’s On-Campus Housing system requires their young tenants to vacate their dormitories in the times of breaks and holidays.
While she may not be allowed to stay past the mandated winter-leave time of Kennedy Hall, freshman nursing major Angelica Pham sees sticking around even after school’s out as a time of recuperation.
“I think that I would stay in Statesboro during breaks just for a few days because it allows you to collect yourself after finals,” Pham said. “It also gives you downtime to be able to spend with your friends socially instead of in between classes.”
“As students age and progress in college, along comes a certain independence in adulthood where the individual no longer sees as much need to go home as he or she once did,” John Morrison, sophomore IT major, said.
“It wasn’t that I didn’t miss my family,” Morrison said. “Because I did. Sometimes it’s just comfy to kick back, relax and do nothing for a good minute.”
Junior multimedia film production major, Terelle Williams capitalized on coming back early to get a head start on a new job as well as spend time with some of his buddies who won’t be here this semester.
“I came back early to hang out with my friend Nick, who’s going away for an internship, and my other friend Evan who is leaving for Study Abroad in England this semester,” Williams said. “I was also supposed to be starting my new job a week before school started.”
Senior journalism major Nia Russell stayed for most of the break to catch up on some job hunting, but ended up with an array of productive activities.
“I watched a lot of Netflix, exercised, skated and hung out with friends,” Russell said. “I went to the library a lot to look at possible job opportunities, plan a graduation trip, and print out music to play on my clarinet and guitar since I had the whole apartment to myself.”
Taking advantage of an near-empty and quiet campus town can become quite creative.
“I ended up making a short Christmas video for my family, which was fun,” Russell said.
How do you feel about staying in Statesboro during the break? Tweet @TheGeorgeAnneDaily with your comments!