Finals are right around the corner, and before you know it the spring semester add/drop week will be here. If you’re still in need of a class to fill your schedule and want to learn some good tips and tricks to landing your dream job, consider this.
Career Services is offering GSU 2121: Career Exploration, a two-credit-hour course, to any student interested in learning professional skills regarding how to land any job, whether it’s your dream job or summer job.
“The class is kind of like a crash course in career services,” Jenna Tyson, Coordinator of Experiential Learning Instruction, and a Georgia Southern alumna, said. “Résumé writing, interviewing skills, networking, everything you could potentially have questions about [we cover].”
Tyson says that she has noticed students leave the class feeling more confident about their futures and prepared to do whatever it takes to get the job they want. “Generally the overall feeling at the end is ‘wow, I didn’t know this [class] was here’, or ‘this really helped me in figuring out my career path and now gives me the confidence to pursue this and take the steps to make that happen.’”
“I learned how to write a résumé, how to upload it to Eagle Career Net, proper interviewing techniques like how to shake a hand well and answer questions…just practical hands-on information that is really important when it comes to looking for a job or internship,” sophomore Justin Doil, a former student of the cclass, said. “I have been offered several internship opportunities since posting my résumé on Eagle Career Net and I’ve been able to use the tips that we were taught.”
Career Exploration is offered every semester, including both summer terms, and is currently only taught by Jenna Tyson. Spots are limited, so make sure to keep GSU 2121 in mind for your future schedules.