Since registration has opened and is now currently open to all Georgia Southern University students, advising has been in full effect.
Prior to advisement, what should students already have?
“I think the biggest thing that helps us [advisors] is for the students to come prepared with a list of classes they want to take next semester,” Scott Curley, an academic advisor in the College of Business Administration, said. “A lot of students think the role of advisement is strictly to give them their schedule, but if could come with a good idea of what they want to take that frees up time to talk about more in-depth things, such as how are classes going, what are your carrier plans, how is college in general.”
“They should come prepared, knowing whether they want to take summer or fall classes…that way we can plan if they want to stay here [Georgia Southern] and take classes or if they want to be a transit student,” Beunka Stephens, an advisor in the College of Health and Human Sciences, said. “Also come with an idea of what classes they have left, so we can focus on the overall goal–graduation.”
Danielle Bostick, an advisor in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences listed out that students should “bring in personal records…and even some students have their soar binder that they have and used to keep up with their advisement forms.”
Do you ever feel as if students can come over prepared?
“No, I think the more prepared the better,” Stephens said.
“The trouble with being over prepared is that students may have this CRN match with this time and when it’s time to register that particular class may be closed already, but I think coming with a good idea of what you want to take is excellent,” Curley said.
“No not really…I don’t think it’s bad to be over prepared at all. As far as time schedules just to be flexible, because you might have the CRN numbers and times written down and when it’s time to register you may not get those classes,” Bostick said.
What steps do you take when a student comes in unprepared?
“I try to engage with them…talk to them about their interest and maybe suggest use resources like the career services or even a faculty member, because they might have experience in the field…I tend to do a lot of reflecting and thinking [with the student],“ Bostick said.
“I make sure I go over the curriculum sheet…and show them how to read it, because it’s kind of your road map while you’re here at Georgia Southern,” Stephens stated.
“For all my students I already have a list of classes that I that they can take, and the ones that are prepared we kind of cross check the list, we always try to recommend a good balance of courses,” Curley said.