SAVANNAH — Georgia Southern’s lecture series “A Moveable Feast” prepares to bring its third event of its 2019-2020 season.
Featuring a collaboration between Sociology and Anthropology Professor Virginia Estabrook and Political Science and International Studies Professor Kate Perry, the latest lecture, entitled “Breaking Gendered Boundaries in Our Bones and Our Crimes”, aims to tackle societally established gender boundaries in a unique combination of themes.
A joint series hosted by the Colleges of Arts and Humanities and Behavioral and Social Science for six years, “A Moveable Feast” pairs two professors from different fields to work together and delve into a theme both can approach from extremely different points of view.
Estabrook plans to delve into the issue with gender boundaries from an anthropological perspective, examining the history, stories and anatomy surrounding the remains of Revolutionary War General Casimir Pulaski. Perry, however, aims to take a more modern approach.
“For me, I’m looking at it from the perspective of human trafficking, so thinking about where are women in human trafficking and where are men as well,” Perry said. “Also, how are they sometimes constrained by gender boundaries that society has constructed and accepted over time and in many ways not constrained by those boundaries and work outside of them.”
Perry’s part of the lecture will focus on examining the various roles women are given in trafficking, including traffickers, victims, parents of victims and politicians. She will also look at how societal views of gender have made it hard for women to overcome being labled ‘victim’.
In addition, she also plans to examine the roles men play in trafficking, specifically citing how they can also be made victims, both in labor trafficking and as sex trafficking victims, and how they may have difficulty speaking out about these experiences due to the gender roles society assigns to them.
“Labor trafficking is also a major issue, and we see that in gender boundaries in that particular case,” Perry said. “When we look at men, we just don’t see enough discussion about labor trafficking and men as survivors and what they go through.”
Perry and Estabrook’s lecture will be at the Temple Mickve Israel in Savannah, on March 5 at 6 p.m. The event will be free and open to the public.
Davis Cobb, The George-Anne News Reporter,