Letter from the Opinions Editor

Erinn Williams
November 4, 2014
***TRIGGER WARNING****: mentions sexual/dating violence and abuse
Hey there fellow eagles,
If you are a student or a member of the Georgia Southern University community who has experienced sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or any thing related to these subjects while you have been here, I and our News Editor, Emily Arnold, would love to talk to you.
We are looking to hear from survivors who are willing to help educate the public about these topics by sharing their experiences in a future story for The George-Anne. We will listen to everything that you have to say in an interview and any information you give to us while be handled with the care and confidentially that topics such as these call for. I promise you that if you speak to either of us the conversation will be free of any judgement and none of your experience(s) will be released without your prior consent.
If you would like to contact us you can by emailing me at letters@georgiasouthern.edu. or ew02004@georgiasouthern.edu (if you feel more comfortable with contacting me through my personal email). Emily can be contacted at ganewsed@georgiasouthern.edu.
Thank you so much,
Erinn Williams
Opinions Editor