Even among cult favorites, few films have become as much of a smashing success and the unfettered and undeniably fun sensation as “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” is. One of the most ‘involving’ movies ever made, “Rocky Horror” events across the world invite fans and newcomers alike to take part, dressing up as their favorite characters, reenacting their favorite scenes and generally cutting lose for a couple of hours with several hundred new friends.
GSU is no stranger to the phenomenon; its own version has become very popular among students.
This year’s show will be on Oct. 29 at the Averitt Center for the Arts. The doors will open at 7:30 p.m.
Despite essentially being a bizarre movie screening, each event has their own special flair, according to this year’s show director, Megan Bowen.
It wouldn’t be very entertaining to just make a shadow cast of the show year after year. Each person adds their own thing with new props or a different characterization. The film is bursting with huge personalities, so curious newbies should have no trouble finding surprises, explained Bowen.
This is why plenty of people are surprised the show is as popular in the South as it is. Traditionally, places like Georgia are pretty conservative, and if some people knew about even half of the show’s raucous insanity, their ears would burn for weeks. However, according to director Bowen, that might be why Georgia Southern’s show has been filled to capacity year after year.
“It’s kind of a rare night,” Bowen said. “A chance for you to be a little crazy and where the people around you aren’t going to judge you. It’s just all in good fun.”
Anyone who’s even remotely interested should be ready for a full house. Word on the street is that the show in Savannah has been shut down, or at least partially canceled, so many have called Bowen asking for scores of tickets. “There’s been a lot of new interest in it,” Bowen said. “It’s going to be a good mix between regulars and newcomers.”
For those looking to throw some rice or toast, to sing along with the “Time Warp” and for a one-of-a-kind cinematic experience perfect for Halloween, you can’t get a more off-the-wall and fun-filled show than “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
A Guide for the Virgins (by Matt Sowell)
So, you’re thinking about going to “Rocky Horror” for the first time? You’re not ready. You’re probably either going because A) your friend is making you or B) you saw it on “Glee” and thought it was neat. Either way, you’re not ready. Never fear! This is your one-stop guide to surviving the absolute pleasures that Frank’s castle provides.
Dress up. Dress slutty, dress weird, dress nerdy, just dress up. It adds to the experience. Seriously, you can dress however you want. People will be wearing anything from a Brad Majors costume (Google it) to lingerie that would make Christian Grey proud. Learn the songs, they’re on Spotify. The most important one is the “Time Warp,” which is pretty necessary to know when walking in. Every time someone in the movie says “Brad Majors” yell “asshole” back at the screen. Every time someone says “Janet Weiss”, yell “slut.” Don’t ask questions, just do it. DO NOT LIE ABOUT BEING A VIRGIN AT THE DOOR. If they ask if you’ve been before, and you haven’t, say no. It’s a good idea, trust me. As the song says, “Give yourself over to absolute pleasure”. Don’t be up-tight. Yes, I know, the guy to your left in fishnets is making you uncomfortable. Yes, you haven’t heard this many people yelling bad words since the App State game, but let loose and relax. It’s all for fun, by the end of it you’ll be in love.