Eagle Smash takes gaming to a new level

Michelle Norsworthy

PRESIDENT: Esaias Hobbs

HOW TO CONTACT: Facebook (EagleSmash)

FEES: None

CO-ED: Yes

GAMES*: SSB Project M, SSB Melee, Street Fighter 4.

*Open to other games.

What do you get when you combine Georgia Southern and Super Smash Bros? Eagle Smash, that’s what.

According to its president, senior electrical engineering major Sai Hobbs, Eagle Smash is the newest gaming organization to hit our campus and takes ordinary gaming to a new level.

“It’s basically a big group of sparring partners,” Bryant Brumbill of Eagle Smash said. The organization began last spring as an interest group for fighting games and has recently been officially recognized by the university.

Despite its newness, Eagle Smash strives to create a community atmosphere. “Anytime you do anything, you need a community to support it. You can’t do anything by yourself,” Hobbs said.

The current focus is on the popular games “Super Smash Bros Project M” and “Super Smash Bros Melee”, from which the organization derives its name. However, members will soon be adding “Street Fighter 4” and are open to suggestions.

“If you’re passionate about a game, let us know,” Brumbill said. “We want to expand.”

Both passion and competition play vital roles in Eagle Smash’s tournaments and their goal is to create the most skilled collection of gamers. “If you want to improve the most, you have to have the best competition,” Hobbs said.