Letter to the Editor: Once a repulsed reader, now a fan

Thank you for your most current offering of The George-Anne.

This week I experienced mild astonishment at the sight of a gentleman well-seasoned in years resting at the bus stop used especially for East Georgia State College students. It was an odd sight. I observed and learned he was there to distribute the latest issue of The George-Anne.

I found previous editions of The George-Anne disturbing for a few reasons. One issue in particular published in the spring of 2013 was especially repulsive. I took the position of never taking my time to read another. Then, you sent your person out to hand a copy to each student…impressive. After perusing the front page, my curiosity was stoked.

Thank you for Nadia Dreid’s cover story dealing with religion; for James Woodall’s piece on the respect that Black men deserve; for Editor-in-Chief, William Price’s refreshing submission announcing a new intent for The George-Anne; for Erinn Williams’ enticement to submit “…views from…every walk of life, every race, religion and class standing.” Even my twenty-three year old gaming Bucknell graduate son might find interest in Michelle Norsworthy’s interview with Esaias Hobbs on Eagle Smash.

Keep up the great work you are all doing. I appreciate each of you responsible for The George-Anne. Thank you. Please accept my gratitude for the promise I now have of looking forward to this paper each week.

Iris Frison-Wimbush, sophomore International Business major