The Roman Empire trend. Where do I even start? Well, the Roman Empire is something that has been taught constantly throughout middle and high school, even in college. Currently there is a trend going around platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram, in which people will ask men how often they think about the Roman Empire.
Spoiler Alert: I don’t know whether to be concerned or proud of how often it really is. This week I went around the Georgia Southern, Statesboro campus, asking as many strangers as I could how often they too thought about it.
Before I get into the results of my survey/questionnaire, let’s talk about why people may be thinking of the Roman Empire. Well, according to USA Today “Young men may also look to the Roman Empire as a symbol of hope that they too can leave a lasting legacy”. I’ll leave that up to the men to decide whether or not it’s true, but according to both my roommate, Selena, and brother, the Roman Empire is inspiring in a mirage of ways: The way they pioneered and advanced technology, the length of their rule, and the way that they never quit. Another reason, a common one that I noticed was “just gladiators”.
According to my brother and best friend, Noah, gladiators are “body goals” their physique is inspiring and makes them want to work harder to achieve their idealistic body type.
Now for the results. After interviewing as many people as I possibly could around campus, as earlier stated, and using an online poll, I came up with 52 total responses. 38.5% of men said they think about it everyday (multiple times a day or once), 17.3% think about it weekly (one or more times a week), 19.2% think about it multiple times a month, and exactly 25% never think about it at all.
On my final note, whether it be the Roman Empire you think about or Grizzly Bears that keep you motivated, you do you, and don’t let anyone bring down your ambition.