People say that college is one of the most important times of your life. You have the freedom to do whatever you desire! But with that freedom comes tremendous pressure.
They say, ‘You should meet new people. You should work on your resume. You should get a master’s degree. Go out and make friends! But stay in and study at least 8 hours a week. Get a job. Help your parents out. Maintain a 4.0 GPA, but don’t forget to relax, just not for too long. Where’s your internship? Did you see the deadline for the next project?’
Trying to keep up with it all can feel like holding your future in your hands–like water slipping through your fingers.
These are “so-called” words of encouragement from family members, teachers, and friends that are directed at college students. However, these comments are annoying to college students who have thought about these comments endlessly and act like a mosquito buzzing around your room.Lucio Angel, a mechanical engineering student, says, ” I feel like I overwork and put too much pressure on myself. It usually doesn’t work out in my favor. ” Many students like Lucio overwork to the point of exhaustion. Spending too much time trying to cram as much as possible into a day can lead to burnout, a stage of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress.
This pressure comes from….
Academic demands—trying to maintain a 4.0 GPA while tumbling with extracurricular activities and deadlines.
Social pressure— the unrealistic expectations of having internships lined up, perfect grades, a job, and a social life, creates an unspoken competition between students.
Financial struggles— The cost of tuition and living expenses can force students to juggle between work and classes.
Thinking forward— The thought of “what is next?” lingers in student’s minds, creating a never-ending cycle of stress.
How do I cope?
“I’ve learned to stop overworking and give myself breaks when I need to.”—GSU freshman Lucio Angel.
When striving for success, it is essential to take care of yourself and find a balance that works for you!
Create a reward system! You will look forward to finishing a task by providing yourself with little ways to treat yourself. Give yourself a sweet treat or a little break.
To-do lists! Plan your day out and find a break in between tasks to eat, find hobbies, and hang out with friends.
Get a restful sleep! Do your work at your desk or in the library, not your bed. Your brain may associate your bed with work. Exercising and getting your steps will help relieve stress and relax your body.
Set aside days to relax! You can break your week into work and rest days and find a balance between work and play.
And yes! Sometimes, pressure helps push yourself to the best of your ability. With the right amount of rest and hard work, you have success in the bag.