Hosted by Student Wellness and Health Promotion, the Hearts and Party Smarts event covered how to reduce the harms of drinking and drugs.
Educational activities, resources, giveaways, free food and information on how Narcan can save lives were all included for attendees.
“Fraternity and sorority life is helping out student health and wellness promotion to give examples of what driving under the influence is like so we’ve got some fun goggles and a little map that students have to drive across to try and get from one end to the other without going off-road, without hitting any pedestrians, crazy stuff like that,” said Emma Grace Mancini, Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
“I think that we really need to think on what we’re doing and we have a lot of information on what standard drinks are and signs to look for binge drinking and alcohol poisoning and so using resources like that to make educated decisions is really important for them,” Mancini said.
“So under the Office of Student Conduct, we have something called the amnesty policy, and that means, when you do something wrong to not run away, make sure you call the proper authorities and you can be protected because you call the proper authorities,”said Jessica Paul, a graduate student in computer science.
“The amnesty policy means no formal disciplinary action is taken when a student or student organization in good faith contacts the appropriate resources, identifies himself or herself or stays with students where they need assistance,” said Paul.
Students who attended the event enjoyed learning about student safety and wellness.
Kristen Beckworth, a third year theatre major said, “We’re part of an organization called Masquers and we thought it would be really beneficial for us to learn about the stuff that’s going on on campus, especially student wellness,” said Kristen Beckworth, a third year theatre major.
“I really enjoyed learning about how to, like, deal with like, opioid overdoses because I feel like that is really important these days. So, like, learning how to save people and like, learning things about like, drunk driving and all that,”said Beckworth.
Her favorite table was the counseling center because she says those resources are “super important.”
If you would like to visit the Student Health and Wellness Program, visit room 208 in the Memorial College Center.