Classic fairy tale charms GSU

Matt Sowell

Cinderella dazzled audiences last night as ballerinas leaped across the stage and transported the

audience into a fabulous fairy tale bought to life.

The show was New York quality, meaning it was refreshing and exciting to see something like this take

the stage at Georgia Southern.

The Moscow Festival Ballet was top of the line and beautiful. They came here from Russia, one of the

ballet capitols of the world, as part of a national tour.

The dancers danced majestically to the score, capturing raw emotion and portraying the light-hearted

fairy tale on a much deeper and more mature level.

One tool the dancers used was facial expressions, taking the emotional appeal to a whole new level. The

step sisters would give Cinderella chilling scowls of jealousy, making them all the more sinister.

The show climaxed at the prince’s ball, the glamorous dresses swirled to the whimsical score in a way

that enchanted even the most cynical audience members. The action heightened as the clock neared

twelve, and Cinderella danced in a frantic frenzy to leave before the magic was reversed.

There is really no comparison between the ballet and the Disney classic, the ballet took the well-known

fairy tale and threw it into a vortex of music and dance that transformed it into something totally new.

Audience members raved the show. Some said they want to see more like this come to Statesboro.

“They are enjoyable and it broadens your horizons and allow you to experience different art forms,”

Rachel Mounce, a freshman interior design major said. “I loved all of it.”

Kiara Griffin, freshman biology major, said her favorite part was the second act. The ballet showcased

many different types of dance. A great example of this was in the second act as the prince was searching

for Cinderella.

“You saw all the different ballerinas do different dance styles form different countries,” Griffin said.

The audience gasped at the beauty of the final dance between Cinderella and her Prince, the scene was


The PAC should embrace more shows of this nature and students should take advantage of these
