Black Box Theatre houses a hit

Matt Sowell

“Fuddy Meers” is currently being performed at the Center for the Arts and Theatre and should not be missed.

The show is a heartbreaking and hilarious story that engulfs the audience in a general uneasy “what the hell is going on” feeling. It’s hard to tell if you should laugh or cry. The story has many twists and turns, making it hard to adequately describe how good it is without spoiling it.

Nicholas Newel makes for a great director because the show was entirely on point. The set designer also deserves major props (no point intended). They made so much happen with such a simple space.

The soundtrack of the show fed the story in a unique way that added to the mysterious feel of the play.

The cast had no weak points; every actor engulfed their character in a totally believable way.

Marissa Carey stood out as the lead, Claire, a woman suffering from a rare form of amnesia. She was so lovable and deep in a role that was relatively shallow due to the fact she can’t remember anything.

Brian Coote played a kooky and creepy masked man who also had stellar acting. His character was both funny and unsettling, especially as the story reaches the climax. His make-up alone is worth going to see, mad props to the artist behind that.

Chryssie Lewis stood out for her portrayal of the stroke-victem grandma. She had several one-liners that left the audience laughing. Her character is also responsible for the title, Fuddy Meers, which is “stroke talk” for Funny Mirrors, like seen in a fun-house, that distort reality.

Alan Waters played the impossible-to-hate Millet. His shining moments were with his side-kick (and also alter ego) Hinky Binky. The puppet was by far the most vulgar in the show, his one liners were wonderful and quirky.

The story is dark, darker then some audience members expected. There are some very heavy moments and unsettling situations, but those are what make the show what it is. Watching Claire realize what she’s been through is heartbreaking and disheartening. The show itself, however, gives the underlying feeling of hope. However, by the end you’re left with more questions than answers, it’s thought provoking and deep yet laugh out loud funny.

This play is a must see, it’s playing until March 5th and should not be missed.