What the Folk: Hungarian dancers to visit the PAC

  • The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble is a unique performance group to the GSU community.Photo courtesy of: The Performing Arts Center

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Matt Sowell

The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble will be giving students at Georgia Southern University a taste of what Hungarian culture is like.

The show is Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in the Performing Arts Center lobby.

“When we were presented with the chance to bring this group in, we knew right away that it would be a unique opportunity for the community,” Stacie McDaniel, the house manager at the Georgia Southern PAC, said.

The group was established in 1951. Since then, it has travelled to 44 countries and performed in front of over seven-and-a-half million people.

“This is a group of performers that calls Hungary home and will be able to give the Georgia Southern and Statesboro communities a glimpse into a culture of traditions they might otherwise never get to experience. I love it when we’re able to bring in international touring groups because they always bring such a fascinating flavor to our stage,” McDaniel said.

The show will be in two acts and both will feature traditional Hungarian dances that tell stories.

“I think that students will be surprised about how familiar the stories told by these dances will feel to them. From the history of a whole country, to simply meeting up with your girlfriends and gossiping about the guys you’re interested in, there’s something in these routines for everyone,” McDaniels said.

“This show is considered to be one of the top touring groups in the world, so I am expecting an astounding show,” Jennifer Zellner, PAC box office assistant, said. “I believe the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble will give our audience a look at a traditional folkloric style performance and is sure to leave the viewer satisfied.”

The dances will be accompanied by live music, courtesy of the Gypsy Orchestra.

“Personally, I’m really excited about the show because this is a culture that I didn’t know much about before we started preparing for this performance,” McDaniel said. “Americans don’t always get a lot of formal education about the history of Eastern European countries, so I’m hoping to learn a little bit about this culture and its people and its traditions.”