Beware of Halloween in the ‘Boro
October 30, 2013
It seems as though Halloween is upon us once again. It’s the time of year when inflated condoms float through the air at “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and girls get raunchy at the bars. Halloween season is the time to get out and get crazy, but not too crazy.
There are plenty of things to do on Halloween night around Statesboro. That does not mean that all of the things need to be done. For example, party hopping until 2 o’clock in the morning is great. It’s Halloween in the ‘Boro so that won’t be out of the ordinary. Party hopping until you’ve blacked out and resemble a vomit-drenched zombie is probably not a good idea. I doubt anyone wants to have to pick up the slack of babysitting a fully grown person when they’re trying to have a good time.
Your best bet is to do it GSU style, but keep it together. Failing to do so could result in a rather unflattering picture on GSUProblems.
In addition to watching your booze intake, it may behoove you to watch your Halloween costume. I’m talking to the ladies here. Given, I’m sure many have the confidence to show off their assets, but again, this does not mean those assets must be shown. There is a way to have a sexy Halloween without having any mishaps.
Firstly, make sure everything fits if you catch my drift. Keep everything in place with fashion tape if it’s necessary. This is important because if something comes flying out, ladies, it may be too late to catch it.
Secondly, wear comfortable shoes because walking around similar to a baby T-Rex is probably not the most attractive thing guys have seen. And when you take your shoes off, the bunions on your feet are probably something guys find unattractive.
As for guys, believe it or not, not every girl dressed up wants to dance with you. If you’re at the bars, you’re both probably sweating, and dancing might not be the best option. Ew.
The most important thing to remember for Halloween in the ‘Boro is to have fun. Halloween only comes once a year. Boo!