GSU Idol auditions tonight
October 17, 2012
Georgia Southern University students will have the opportunity to show off their vocal talents tonight in the Russell Union.
Students are invited to audition for the annual GSU Idol competition hosted by Student Government Association.
“We just want to showcase talent,” Diandra White, senior biology major, said. White is directing this year’s show.
Students should have a piece ready with or without accompaniment, White said.
Those who audition will be judged on their song presentation, creativity and vocal ability, White said.
The GSU Idol show will be during Homecoming week, but auditions will be held tonight in the Russell Union room 2052 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Students can come by anytime during those times to audition. They are open auditions, White said.
GSU Idol will take place on Nov. 5 at 7 p.m.