GSU defeats UTC 5-0
September 22, 2012
Georgia Southern University’s Women’s Soccer Team won by a 5-0 landslide on Sunday, September 23 at 2 p.m. against the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, bringing their season record to 5-2-3.
Freshman forward Nora El-Shami scored the first point for GSU unassisted in the 15th minute 22 yards from the goal.
Freshman forward Emily Hirano increased the lead to 2-0 when she scored in the 23rd minute assisted by junior midfielder Mckenna Storey’s toss into the edge of the field, 18 yards from the goal. The toss was accepted by a header from junior forward Alex Murphy who also assisted Hirano’s goal.
Sophomore forward Sydnie Van Curen played a penalty shot to the feet of freshman midfielder Stephanie Gratto who placed the ball in the back of the net, giving the Eagles a dominating lead.
Six minutes later, senior forward Courtney Collins scored the fourth goal for GSU. Senior defender Zoe Van Gorder’s free kick rebounded off of the goalkeeper, assisting Collins with her goal.
Van Curen made her fourth goal of the season in the 72nd minute of the game, bringing the score to 5-0. She volleyed a goal in from a corner kick assist by senior midfielder Carlee Storey.
The Eagles’ Southern Conference record now stands at 1-1-0, and they will continue their battle through the Southern Conference Friday, September 28 at Appalachian State University game at 7 p.m.