by Samantha Harvey
Everyone knows the stories that are told in the Bible, of how God created the world and the angels. But you’ve never seen it told like this. Where God has a cherry picker and all of the actors are simple workmen. There’s dancing, singing and a live rock band.
The mysteries retails parts of the Holy Bible. The part that is being put to production here at Georgia Southern, is the Creation. This encompasses all the high points from the very creation of the world all the way down to the birth of Jesus and his flee from Bethlehem.
I asked the director, Lisa Abbot, why she chose this play to do. “Because I don’t think we have many opportunities to enjoy medieval theatre. I believe this is also a source for all. It’s a modern adaptation and allows the students to use a form they haven’t done before. Also it’s gonna be fun.”
I also got to talk to some of the cast members about what they think about the play:
“This play is fabulous and the people are fabulous and I’m so happy to join the Georgia Southern crew and to make such great art,” Lexi Prine, junior multimedia marketing major said.
“This play is like a giant milkshake, there are lots of ingredients, you blend it all together to make it sweet and I hope it brings all the boys to the yard,” P. Zac Sadler, senior bio chemistry major said.
“It’s admittedly more fun than reading the actual bible,” Dani McGee, senior theatre major said.
“This play is visually enticing,” V. Akil Jackson, senior multimedia marketing major said.
About playing Mary: “Every time I play a character it becomes an exploratory process. I had to learn to be really soft. It’s really different playing Mary than Aphrodite. It’s like hmm . . . how do I do that,” Kathryn M. Burrell, sophomore theatre major said.
About playing King Herod: “Herod’s my favorite character. It’s nice to play a dark character. It’s a big refresher from playing Adam. When playing characters like God and Herod, it’s really hard not to let the ego get to your head,” Ethan McKinnon, sophomore theatre major said.
If these quote aren’t enough to get you excited about the play, I don’t know what is. There’s going to be lots of interaction between actors, crew, and audience. It’ll be a sight to see.
I, myself, am part of the crew that’s running this production and I can promise you that it is worth it. We put together a mock showing on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, and we got a lot of promises that people would come back and pay to see it.
The show started Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015 and it will run through tomorrow, Nov. 18, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. There is also a showing tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Black Box Theater!
If I were you, I would get those tickets fast because this show has been big!
About Samantha:
I’m Samantha Harvey, senior writing and linguistics major with a minor in theatre. I love to write and I love musical theatre, or even theatre in general. There isn’t a musical out there that I don’t like. I’m studying to be a novelist, although I don’t mind play writing either. I just want to share my writing with the world.
A GSU Production: The Mysteries Creation
November 17, 2015
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