University System of Georgia to hold regional forums next month

Anthony Belinfante

As part of the University System of Georgia’s 2019 strategic planning effort, the new strategic plan will set USG’s agenda for the next five years and beyond, according to a letter from Georgia Southern University President Kyle Marrero. 

Students have been given the opportunity to weigh in on how the system will face the challenges and opportunities of public higher education in Georgia.

The forums will discuss ideas and goals set by working groups at GS, which include University System Office staff, among others.

“All the forums, while open to the public, are a direct opportunity for our key stakeholder groups — especially those of faculty, staff and students — to provide face-to- face feedback on the new strategic plan’s direction,” Marrero said in the letter. “I very much hope you can participate.”

Feedback from students will result in new goals added on to previous ones made by these groups to help outline strategies moving the system forward. 

Metrics, broken out by sector, will also be developed to measure progress toward the plan.

Students can participate in any of the following forums:

• 10 a.m. on Sept. 3 at Georgia State University’s Student Center East

• 10 a.m. on Sept. 4 at Fort Valley State University’s C.W. Pettigrew Center

• 10 a.m. on Sept. 5 at Valdosta State University’s University Center

• 5 p.m. on Sept. 11 at Dalton State College’s Gigniliatt Memorial Hall

Each forum is expected to last about 1.5 hours and more details about each forum will be available closer to September.

Anthony Belinfante, The George-Anne News Reporter,