Georgia Southern and Ogeechee Technical College sign agreement

McClain Baxley

STATESBORO — Georgia Southern University and Ogeechee Technical College signed an agreement Tuesday to provide better transitions between the two institutions for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in information technology, logistics and intermodal transportation and criminal justice and criminology programs at GS.

GS President Kyle Marrero and OTC President Lori S. Durden formally collaborated the transition between the two schools, minimizing the loss of credit and course duplication for students transferring from OTC to GS.

“This is merely a start,” Marrero said in a press release. “We are working together to make sure that we can continue to serve the southeast region with an educational network that works together to ensure that everyone is employed, enrolled or enlisted by the time they are 18 years old.”

Durden said that the partnership will be great for the students at both schools and throughout the region.

“Any time we have a chance to help students succeed, it is a good day,” Durden said. “These agreements help with our goal of promoting the economic well-being of this region. This is the right thing to do.”

GS signed a similar agreement with East Georgia College in March and also has an agreement with Savannah State.  

McClain Baxley, The George-Anne Editor-in-Chief,