Artist Spotlight: Jade Raine

December 3, 2020
Ever since she was young, Jade Raine has had a knack for styling. She used to design in elementary school, but the push she needed to pursue fashion came from her participation in a fashion show her sophomore year of high school.
Raine is a junior interdisciplinary studies major with concentrations in fashion merchandising and apparel design as well as culture and society,
“I do feel like I have a lot of interest in other creative routes, but design was really where I got to fully take my visions, and, you know, put them into the world,” said Raine. “So I liked being able to have that amount of creative control, and really kind of transform items and clothes. That really intrigued me.”
Raine takes inspiration from everything. Mostly, she draws from natural elements. She likes to take from the body and draw from movement. She’s also inspired by her friends and what she sees in the industry.
“I want my designs to express a sense of versatility,” said Raine. “I love being able to create items that, you know, have multi-purpose…I just want the wearer or the consumer to feel comfortable and confident.”
Raine’s best designs come out of nowhere–they’re spur of the moment.
“I’m not really too intentional unless an idea sparks me,” said Rain. “I’m not too intentional about creating a design path. I kind of just let it lead me.”
The biggest obstacles Raine has experienced as a fashion designer are managing her time, knowing the scope of how much material she needs, and ensuring that a product is durable. .
The Georgia Southern fashion community offers Raine lots of opportunities, and she said she loves all her family in the fashion department. She described it as a community that wants you to win.
“it’s just a great way to meet like-minded people that can help you create your vision,” said Raine.
Raine said she’d open in terms of where she goes in the future, but she would love to open a store community space for black youth or a Black history fashion museum.
Raine offered advice for other fashion designers, saying to think hard about the designs they’re creating. She said if you’re passionate and love fashion design, then that’s what will push you through.
“To me, fashion is freedom. It’s expression. It’s like a love letter,” said Raine.
Raine’s website can be found here.