Georgia Southern students react to Statesboro Publix plans

  • Students on Georgia Southern’s Statesboro campus reacted to the announcement of a Publix grocery store being built in Statesboro. From left to right: Anthony Olivo, Stephanie Riddle, Brianna Lingerfelt

Anthony Belinfante

Georgia Southern students have begun to show excitement after it was announced that Publix is returning to the Statesboro area.

Darin Van Tassell, owner of Tormenta FC, confirmed on Wednesday that Statesboro is getting a new Publix, 20 years after the grocery store closed its doors.

The new store will be located on the 225-acre development surrounding Tormenta FC’s soccer stadium and The Clubhouse.

“I’m really excited for it,” junior psychology major Bryce Lesher said. “And I think it will be nice to have another grocery store that’s not as crowded as Walmart.”

Anthony Olivo, freshman recreation major, was interested in the idea of a new grocery store in Statesboro, but was more interested in its location.

“It depends if it’s closer or around Walmart whether I will go there or not,” Olivo said. “But I think it will be good.”

Stephanie Riddle, junior outdoor recreation major, is hoping Publix will offer better produce options than other grocery stores in Statesboro.

“I think that if their produce is better, I will definitely go,” Riddle said. “When I go to the store, the only think I buy is produce, usually, and the options here aren’t great.”

Brianna Lingerfelt, junior outdoor recreation major, believes another grocery is just what Statesboro needs.

“I think it will be very beneficial because we only have Walmart, and everybody in Statesboro goes there, like college kids and families,” Lingerfelt said. “So I think it will be beneficial to separate that.”

The goal is for the new development to be completed by next year, but Van Tassell is not certain if this is possible yet.

Anthony Belinfante, The George-Anne Daily Reporter,