Renowned environmental artist to display art piece on Georgia Southern Statesboro campus

  • Environmental artist Marie Lorenz will be displaying her artwork on the Statesboro campus starting Feb. 18. The piece, titled “Ash Heap/Landfill,” is a multimedia installation that incorporates both natural and man-made materials to explore the relationship between humanity and its environment.

William Cobb

The Statesboro Campus’ Center for Art and Theatre Gallery will be exhibiting the newest work of renowned environmental artist Marie Lorenz starting on Feb. 18.

The piece, titled “Ash Heap/Landfill,” is a multimedia installation that incorporates both natural and man-made materials to explore the relationship between humanity and its environment.

Lorenz began this exploration at the Rhode Island School of Design, where she became fascinated with the muddiness of Providence’s downtown area, which was currently in the process of an urban renewal program.

The sight sparked her interest in seeking out similar areas, but she found most were unused or polluted, prompting her to make something out of them, as well as bring their misuse to the attention of the common populace.

“Ash Heap/Landfill,” the latest result of Lorenz’s passion, incorporates refuse from all corners of the world, and is another demonstration of the artist’s unique style, which, Georgia Southern Associate Professor and close friend Elsie Hill said in a press release, “does not fit in one discipline”.

With porcelain-cast trash buried in mud and clay, Lorenz hopes to remind people of the impact pollution can have on our waters.

Lorenz will also join the Center of Sustainability’s “Sustainability Seminar Series,” by giving a talk in the Art Building Room 2071 on March 12 at 5 p.m., according to a press release. Afterwards, there will be a reception in the gallery, where guests can see Lorenz’s artwork up close and celebrate her exceptional work.

“Ash Heap/Landfill” will be displayed in the Statesboro Campus’ Center for Art and Theatre Gallery until March 14.

William Cobb, The George-Anne News Candidate,